Pelargonium pulverulentum

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Botanical Name
Pelargonium pulverulentum
Geraniaceae - The geranium family.
pe-lar-GO-nee-um pul-ver-oo-LEN-tum
Common Name(s)
English: Powdered-leaf pelargonium
IsiXhosa: ikhubalo likaMlanjeni
Plant Group
  • Perennial A plant whose life cycle lasts for three or more seasons.
  • Veld Flower Small veld flowers of interest, rather than for their usefulness in the garden. Some of these plants have garden potential, particularly for less formal garden situations.
Plant Size
  • Small
    Tree4m to 8m
    Shrub50cm to 75cm
    Perennial/ground cover10cm to 20cm
    Bulb20cm to 30cm
    Succulent10cm to 20cm
  • Canopy Shade Canopy shade is found below closely grown trees where some light filters through. Ideal for the protection of herbaceous plants.
  • Light or Dappled Shade Found below trees with sparse, open foliage. Ideal for the protection of herbaceous plants.
  • Partial Shade The area is in shade for part of the day and in full sun for part of the day.
  • Sun The area is in full sun for all or most of the day, all year round.
General Information
  • Deciduous Plants which completely lose their foliage for part of the year.
  • Drought Tolerance: Moderate The plant is moderately adapted to arid conditions and can survive short periods of drought and high temperatures without extra water.
  • Water Moderate These plants will need some extra watering compared to water-wise plants. Plant them together, in at least some shade and in a convenient proximity to the house so that grey water can be utilised during times of drought.
Specific Information

Pelargonium pulverulentum is deciduous with a deep, tuberous root system. The leaves are variable in shape but usually deeply cleft, almost to the midrib. The above ground part of the plant  develops no branches, sending up only a few leaves and the flower stem. 

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dull yellow pelargonium flower,  with the central area of the three lower petals maroon to purple

  • Spring to Summer Plants will seldom bloom for the entire season as given in the list, but should flower during a period within these parameters.
  • yellow
Growth Rate
  • Moderate Specifying growth rate can be very misleading as there is considerable variation of growth rate depending on type and species of plant, available water, supplementary feeding, mulching and general care, as well as the plants suitability and adaptability to the garden environment.
Plant Uses
  • Container Trees, shrubs and ornamental species that can adapt to growing in a restricted environment.
  • Pot Plant A plant that needs a protected environment on a patio or indoors.
  • Wild Garden An indigenous garden planted for the benefit of wildlife and birds. Provides food, water, a variety of mini-biomes and no poisonous chemicals are used.
Distribution and Habitat

endemic to the Eastern Cape and KwaZulu-Natal

Planting Suggestions

Plant the tubers in well drained soil in a lightly shaded position. Add a layer of mulch to retain moisture.

Lorraine's Garden Notes

My only experience with this plant is what I have observed of the plants in my wild garden which grow in dry shade with a little morning sun. The soil is on the alkaline side. They have flowered only twice in five years.

Medicinal Uses

No data found.

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