Wild Veld Flowers - new Plant Group added to website

Over the last few years my interest in the 'little veld flowers' that we seldom see as we speed along the highways, has been aroused.  They vary from sub-shrubs to succulents, bulbs, annuals, perennials and creepers. I have collected seeds and pictures of many of these little gems and am experimenting with some of them to asses their usefulness in the gardens of tomorrow. For most of these plants there is very little information available, other than my own observations, and I have not yet been able to identify others.  A few of these wild flowers are being offered to nurseries from the wholesalers and such species as Abutlion sonneratianum and Monsonia ovata are now available. To whet your appetite, here are a few examples of wild plants to be added to the website.

You can look at a list of the current veld flowers here.

Chamaecrista capensis
Helichrism spiralepsis
Indigofera heterophylla
Monopsis scabra
Nemesia var.
Silene undulata
Thunbergia capensis
Vernonia pinifolia
Wahlenbergia rivularis


I have a lot of veld flower fotos from my area where I live. Pierre van Ryneveld.

Hi and thanks for commenting. I am not sure where your area is, but would appreciate it if you could download some of your pictures with details of where you live to my email address, so I can add them to the blog.
There is a definite swing to using more wild flowers in garden situations as they are tougher than many hybrid plants, adapting more easily to the effects of global warming.

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